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Perhaps it goes without saying, but we believe in knowledge sharing.

Whether it is about the latest software development buzz, scaling innovative products or self-leadership, we are always looking for new perspectives. Articles are our way of sharing our insights with the world and, ultimately, broadening our horizons.

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Mob programming for a year
Mpya Digital Mpya Digital

Mob programming for a year

Anton Gunnarsson, a web developer consultant passionate about coding and podcasting, is a firm believer of mob programming. After a year of mob programming Gunnarsson has some important learnings to share with us.

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The road towards “effortless” management
Mpya Digital Mpya Digital

The road towards “effortless” management

“A lot of companies talk about self-management. It’s one of the trendy things for young businesses to say, especially here in Stockholm”, argues Christoffer Öberg, CEO of Mpya Digital.

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